Wallflowers - Invisible City Lyrics

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Artist: Wallflowers
Song Title: Invisible City
Visits: 601
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Lookin' back at the crash site,
I don't see me by the roadside.
Well this heart is on wheels tonight,
Straight through the ghettos
And without lights.

Now every heart has a blind side,
Where it knows how to improvise,
Well this place is a whorehouse tonight,
Cheap lovers make expensive wives.

But all of these horses
That you chase around
In the end they are the ones
That always bring you down

This invisible city
Where no one sees nothing
We're touching faces in the dark
Feelin' pretty is so hard.

Now all of these voices
And all of these noises
With all their illusions of choices
They've come to my door
With one dozen roses.

The imitation of good faith
Is how you stumble upon hate,
It may have been the first of mistakes
When we held on too loosely,
and opened the gates.

But all of these horses
That you chase around
In the end they are the ones
That always bring you down

This invisible city
Where no one sees nothing
We're touching faces in the dark
Feelin' pretty is so hard.

Now I try not to tell lies,
But there's pressures from inside,
So I've learned how to compromise
Good people for alibis.

But all of these horses
That you chase around
In the end they are the ones
That always bring you down

This invisible city
Where no one sees nothing
We're touching faces in the dark
Feelin' pretty is so hard

Invisible City Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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Other Wallflowers song Lyrics
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    I held my hands, never knew how to act..."
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    Just to hang onto someone
    Who's hangin' onto nothin'
    Only to lose what's never mine...."
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    The angel on my bike
    She found me down on a two-ton anchor
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  • Another One In The Dark
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    In their parades, we stole every thrill
    And in their games, we made every kill...."
  • Ashes To Ashes
    "Well, you could walk like a stranger head back into here,
    Bringing gifts while you act so sincere,
    Bringing gifts for a boy who's five years,
    Looking for rocks and training wheels...."
  • Asleep At The Wheel
    "Do you ever stop, do you count all the invitations,
    At the end of the day when it comes down to one decision,
    Deadbeat girls and freaks out of people's convention,
    All these sugars with a no vitamin sensation...."
    "So long ago, I don't remember when
    That's when they say I lost my only friend
    Well, they said she died easy of a broken heart disease
    As I listened through the cemetery trees..."
  • Baby Bird (Hidden track)
    "Come back, baby bird,
    with your dirty wings in tatters.
    But come home, where you belong,
    nobody knows you better...."

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