Wang Chung - Lets Go Lyrics
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Wang Chung Singer Lyrics
Lets Go Song Lyrics
Wang Chung
Mosaic (1986)
Song Title:
Lets Go
Rock: Electronic
Print Version
Meet me in a restaurant
Meet me on the top of the world
Meet me and we'll talk the language of love
I'll meet you anywhere you want
I'll meet you on a ballroom floor
Meet me and we'll float to a level above
I wish you'd drop what you're doing
And get on the case
We could blow this existence
Right out into space
And share a sweet isolation
Lets go there today
Go today, go today
Everyway, rightaway
Oh let's go
Let's go baby, let's go baby, come on
Let's go baby, let's go baby, come on
Take your cue from me now
I'm saying baby, lets go
Will you listen to me
I'm saying baby, come on now
Let's go cause we can't hold back no more
Theres no way
Meet you on a mountain top
Meet you at the end of the block
As long as we can talk the language of love
I'll take you in my arms again
I'll take you to the edge of time
Together we can reach for the heavens above
I wish you'd drop what you're doing
And get on the case
We could blow this existence
Right out into space
And share a sweet isolation
Lets go there today
Go today, go today
Everyway, rightaway
Oh let's go
Let's go baby, let's go baby, come on
Cause baby, I want your love
Let's go baby, let's go baby, come on
Cause baby, I'm saying
Take your cue from me now
I'm saying baby, lets go
Will you listen to me
I'm saying baby, come on now
Let's go cause we can't hold back no more
Theres no way
Meet me on the dance floor and well dance to the rhythm
Get you feet in motion and well dance to the rhythm
Dance to the rhythm
Dance to the rhythm of love
Let's go baby, let's go baby, come on
Cause baby, I want your love
Let's go baby, let's go baby, come on
Cause baby, I'm saying
Take your cue from me now
I'm saying baby, let's go
Will you listen to me
I'm saying baby, come on now
Let's go cause we can't hold back no
Let's go cause we can't hold back no
Let's go cause we can't hold back no more
There's no way
Let's go baby, let's go baby, come on
Let's go baby, let's go baby, come on
Let's go baby, let's go baby, come on
Let's go baby, let's go baby, come on
Submitted by Michael Hack
Lets Go Lyrics
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Other Wang Chung song Lyrics
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It's so hard, turns a year to days
The things that I need
It's so sad, but they will always change..."
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Things can never be the same
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It's better than indifference..."
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I feel them flashed across the land
It's such that I can disbelieve girl
And what you feel is in my hand..."
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We all need girls
And there will be no other
In all the world..."
"Dancing in the street love
Dancing in your hair
They'll never know
That you dance until you go..."
"China, China, on the sea shore
China, China, on the dance floor
China, China, I must have seen your face before
I've been to Cairo and I've been to Khartoum..."
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A hole in my living, a kind of in-between
A geisha girl, a hard won world
A wall that divides us from an Eastern spell..."
Chinese Girls
"A star is shining
Into my eyes
It will not fall
A star is wise..."
if you want to see other song lyrics from "Mosaic" album, click "
Wang Chung Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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