War Rocket Ajax - Got A Problem Lyrics

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Artist: War Rocket Ajax
Song Title: Got A Problem
Visits: 557
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You got a problem and everybody knows it.

Now everybody knows it.

Whatcha gonna do?

You're unbelief is like a cancer.

But man I've got the answer.

Can you handle the truth?

You want in one hand spit in the other.

You spit in the other.

Which one fills up first?

You claim that your a seeker.

But you just got weaker.

How 'bout a second birth?

The world is spinning away...

We're here to let you know what time it is.

We're here to let you know who's dime it is.

You got a problem and everybody knows it.

Now everybody knows it.

Whatcha gonna do?

You're unbelief is like a cancer.

But man I've got the answer.

Can you handle the truth?

You think you intellectual.

But your ineffectual.

Now what you think of that?

Pervert the constitution.

Breathing evolution.

Do you smell a rat?

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  • Gearhead
    "Gimme some time to clear my mind.
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    Turned on been blinking red...."

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