Warhammer - The Void Inside the Darkness Lyrics

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Artist: Warhammer
Warhammer Author
Song Title: The Void Inside the Darkness
Genre: Rock
Visits: 658
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While walking through the corridors of power
Beware of delusions that only drag you down
You serve a system built on intrigues and cheat
Maybe there's no way to escape your own defeat

Can you still see the shape of the enemy?
As you sink deeper and deeper in sin and misery
You wished for a shining return of the empire
Fate has not decided yet, will it all end in fire?

The omens were there - you failed to see
New allies add to the list of fatalities
Unable to recognize you're just a part of something greater
A new age is coming, hard to accept your role as a puppet

Can you still see the shape of the enemy?
Your shame goes hand in hand with sin and misery
Glory you wanted, for a conquering empire
Fate has not decided yet, will it all end in fire?

Why is there a monster on the throne?
You put it there, now terror of silence reigns all alone
May this loneliness fade away from your personal dome
Sometimes even shadows can guide us the way home...

Can you still see the shape of the enemy?
As you sink deeper and deeper in sin and misery
Pain is all you received for the beloved empire
Fate has not decided yet, will it all end in fire?


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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "The Winter Of Our Discontent" album, click "Warhammer Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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