Warhead - Shut Your Mouth Lyrics

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Artist: Warhead
Song Title: Shut Your Mouth
Visits: 608
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...right after the robbery the murderer tries to escape, the police search
teams hard on his heels. He's soon cornered and arrested...

Sirens wailing
Voices yelling

Confusion in my head, I cannot think at all
There's no turning back, backed against the wall
Sirens in the air, I hear that racking sound
The pounding of my heart, I'm feelin' they're around

Drop the gun, turn 'round!
Resistance is senseless!
Drop the gun, turn 'round!
Resistance is senseless, Senseless!

Floodlights searching
Bloodhounds seeking

Bloody cops on my back, searching every block
I'm cought in a trap, driven into and locked
No, I won't obey, I take my chance and run
I know I'll find a way, yes, I still got my gun

Drop the gun, turn 'round!
Resistance is senseless!
Drop the gun, turn 'round!
Resistance is senseless!

Or should I stop, yield and confess it all...
...to dwell in jail for years? No! I've got to run!

Drop the gun, turn 'round!
Resistance is senseless!

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  • Celebrate Your Loot
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  • Desert Trip
    "holy church it's you we hail
    feed us on our holy trail
    give us gold and holy food
    Jesus Christ we praise our loot..."

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