Warrant - April 2031 Lyrics

Lyrics Directory>> W>> Warrant Singer Lyrics>> April 2031 Song Lyrics
Artist: Warrant
Warrant Author
Album: Dog Eat Dog (0)
Warrant - Dog Eat Dog Album
Song Title: April 2031
Genre: Metal: Heavy
Visits: 646
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They say the sky used to be blue
I don't quite believe it.
It's probably always been
the color that it is.
And there were cotton candy clouds.
And birds to fly through it.
Just stories we all love to tell our kids.

So I'll close my electronic door
And keep the cold outside.
And hug my aluminium pillow so tight.
And pray the radiation
doesn't make me sick tonight.

No more sky and no more trees.
April 2031
No more oxygen to breathe.
April 2031
No more hate and no more war.
April 2031
Nothing left worth fighting for.
April 2031.

They say there used to be a wind
that wasn't caused by fans
I wonder how it would have felt in my hair
And the nuclear ring
around the moon was caused by man
if it was, then it's much too late to care

So I'll put my safety goggles on
and gaze out at the sun
as the artificial atmostphere machines
give off a constant hum
in a world that's cold and peaceful, april 2031

No more sky and no more trees.
April 2031
No more oxygen to breathe.
April 2031
No more hate and no more war.
April 2031
Nothing left worth fighting for.
April 2031.

As far back as Veitnam,
we should have learned our lesson.
But we closed our eyes
and sent our sons away.
And they told us we were winning
as they sold more ammunition.
Some were angry,
most just looked the other way.

And the night's illuminated
by the endless glowing sand
that swallowed all the oceans
and choked off all the land.
In a world beyond resuscitation
Even by God's hand

No more mountains no more sea
April 2031
No more you and no more me
April 2031-a

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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Dog Eat Dog" album, click "Warrant Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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