Warrior Soul - Television Lyrics

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Artist: Warrior Soul
Warrior Soul Author
Album: The Space Age Playboys (1994)
Warrior Soul - The Space Age Playboys Album
Song Title: Television
Visits: 664
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Take me out for the super future

Tellin` you man I`m a goin` ta use her

Let me go and I`ll slide like rayon

Stuck with you and I`m stuck with nothin`

Take me out to the universe

Ya know ya can`t stop me from lovin` you

Take my heart let the pieces fall in

The star bright sky and a piece of you

Check out baby she`s a ridin` the missile

Fall out trigger crazy pull on the pistol

Last year happy just a rulin` the scene

Now they`re blowin` their brains to pieces

Take me out to the universe

Ya know ya can`t stop me from lovin` you

Take my heart let the pieces fall in

The star bright sky and a piece of you

Yeah man, you know I`m sick to death right now

Can`t believe it

What the hell is wrong with you

All I believe in take the pretty pill

Man I`m ridin` the wave in

Television you got a vision

Television you got a vision

Television you got a vision

Television you got a vision

Take me out to the universe

You know I`m movin` too fast for the human racin`

No one sees me when I`m falling

Take my heart and a piece of you

Television you got a vision

Television you got a vision

Television you got a vision

Television you got a vision

Screens like mansions on concrete steeles

Break the will and ride the people

New gods give for you to heal

Too bad you will never feel

Get down - I wanna ride the wheel right now

And if you see me

Drop a line and help me out

Ridin` a vision

Take a look man for the new incision

Ride a vision you`re on a mission

Crawl like a dog and beg for forgiveness

Take me out to the universe

You know I`m moving too fast for the human racin`

No one sees me when I`m falling

Take my heart and a piece of you

Television you got a vision

Television you got a vision

Television you got a vision

Television you got a vision

Television Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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  • Man Must Live as One
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  • Hero
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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "The Space Age Playboys" album, click "Warrior Soul Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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