Warzone - In The Mirror Lyrics

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Artist: Warzone
Warzone Author
Album: Old School to the New School (1994)
Warzone - Old School to the New School Album
Song Title: In The Mirror
Visits: 850
Print Version

Maybe we're just getting older
But the songs, they ain't the same
I'm tired of living from day to day
You're still playing them fucking games
I just don't look at things the same
But my mind's growing more every day
In my mind I've started to see things clearer
Now I know who I am when I look in that fuckin mirror

In the mirror

It's too bad we've had to go through so much pain
But that pain, it made me go
That pain, it kept me moving
That pain, it helped me grow
I just don't look at things the same
But my mind's growing more every day
In my mind I've started to see things clearer
Now I know who I am when I look in that fucking mirror

In the mirror

It's too bad we had to go through so much pain
But that pain it made me go
That pain it kept me moving
That pain is what will always help me grow and grow and grow
It helped me grow

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  • Were The Crew
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  • Dont Forget The Struggle, Dont Forget The Streets
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  • Skinhead Youth
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    Won't let your rules get us down
    Talking shit about that way we act
    You say we're Nazi's on the attack..."
  • ...Show All
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Old School to the New School" album, click "Warzone Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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