Watain - Mortem Sibi Consciscere Lyrics

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Artist: Watain
Watain Author
Song Title: Mortem Sibi Consciscere
Genre: Rock
Visits: 629
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Created by them

Yet reborn through Him

Blessed from life and lie

For the cunts that are licked

By your gentle tounges

Are raped and cursed to die

So far beyond

Your rottening grace

Yet trapped in smelling chains

For the bodies you caress

I have cursed

And put cancer in their veins

The blazes in the night called stars

Are reflections of your kind

Pallid and fading lifes

Spawned and guarded by darkness behind

For what dwells behind those flames

Is hidden for your eyes

And just one single glance

Would transform your smiles into cries

There is a war in my heart

While yours is thorned by my nails

For you are nothing but dead

Beneath those carnal veils

Rejoice as emptyness grow thicker

Feel it's grasp around your neck

The hour has come to release

And to welcome the razorsharp fate

Feel the jaws of the snake

Slaves under cosmic contempt

Mortem sibi consciscere

Your key to achievement

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    In the hearts of us, your children, oh divine luminary
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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Rabid Deaths Curse" album, click "Watain Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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