Watch Me Fall - Silent Aeons Lyrics

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Artist: Watch Me Fall
Song Title: Silent Aeons
Visits: 607
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This silence has tied me up so tight that I can't breathe

The night will pass away before I dare to fall asleep

?Within this trabquil darkness I dread to close my eyes

The stars so cold upon me shine from pitch-black sky

I know what's beyond there

The astral secrets reveal to me

The darkness rising, devouring this wretched earth

My soul is sinking into the timeless void

I fear to watch the calmness of the moonlit sea

For I know what waits under that deceptice serenity

I shiver to think the silent hills after sundown

The blackness so vast upon me, heavy on my mind

A vision of sheer terror right before my eyes

Travelling through the aeons till the end of time

A glimpse of something that was meant to be concealed

It's a dream I won't wake up from, turned to reality

I've seen what lies ahead

The mysteries revealed as night prevails

The darkness rising, devouring my wretched mind

My soul is screaming for final relief

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Other Watch Me Fall song Lyrics
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    They're coming back again this time with a width of horizon
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  • Discord Symphony
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    All alone, forced to witness same play every day
    Ground moans in black, newborn leaves fall and decay..."
  • More Than Gods Could Dream
    "the wind somberly sighs your name in the trees
    The waves whisper of the love long since gone
    As I hearken to them, my loneliness grows ever bitter
    Evanescent are the moments of joy in this world..."
  • On Borrowed Time
    "Light of saving grace - glowing dawn at the end of our world
    The morning sun will rise as soon as mankind dies
    Wandering pale, our presence here in vain
    Tomorrow's gone and our lives scattered in yesterdays..."
  • Waves
    "The soil I'm lying on is cooling down with the vanishing daylight
    And bitter are these tears in my eyes
    They're slowly flowing down my cheek like glowing pearls
    But those pearls are for the swine..."
  • Winter Within
    "Another daybreak, naked and freezing inside
    Cobolt blue flame burns in empty, tired, jaded eyes
    Slowly morning sun lights the fire burning again
    And horizon drops with poison rd as blood of time..."
  • Worn Out
    "...Gently blows the wind, and the ashes fly
    So the dead cover those who yet have to die
    And when the last embers flicker away
    Right from the start inviable and shallow..."

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