Waterboys - Bury my heart Lyrics

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Artist: Waterboys
Waterboys Author
Song Title: Bury my heart
Visits: 631
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Bury my soul

where the dust meets the sea

Turn it loose in a lonely place

where man can still be free

Make up my clothes and sheets

in a ball, put them in the ground

Tell my children only truths

teach them to be proud

Tell them dreams and miracles

when thy thunder stops

Bury my heart!

Bury my heart!

I was born a travelling trooper

but I laid my wings to rest

Once I beat myself in squallor

now I feather up my nest

There are flags in my back yard

colours on my wall

I pay my servant well

but I made the bastard crawl

>And I pretend no blessed evil soul

> that I don't hear that thunder start

Bury my heart!

There's a lily in the valley

where I brought the news to Ro

I offered him my visions but

the heathen rose to go

So I took my shining sabre and I slew

my sinning friend

A christian burial was all he needed

to make him whole again

And I looked up way above me

and God rent the sky apart

Bury my heart!

Bury my heart!

Bury my heart!

We're God's chosen people

this and other truths I know

Put them into vicious practice

because the bible tells me so

And I drowned the noble savage

in the blessed holy water

I burned his filthy village

and I civilized his daughter

The liars in this world

who say we shame the blood of Christ

But killing is his mercy

and nits grow into lice

And all those gooks I napalmed

man, I did it in God's name

When the fools put me on trial I shouted out

I'm not to blame -- I did it for him!

I did it for him!

I did it for him!

He made do it!

He tore the heavens apart

Bury my heart!

Bury my heart!

Bury my heart!

Now I'm going to wilderness

on a horse that I can trust

I will die where I fall

in the hot dry dust

And if you come to that place

remember this truth

That he who's born to property

is he who's born to lose

Will you bury my soul

where the dust meets the sea

Will you bury my heart

at Wounded Knee!

Bury my heart

at Wounded Knee!

Bury my heart

at Wounded Knee!

Bury my heart!

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