Waterboys - The Wind in the Wires Lyrics

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Artist: Waterboys
Waterboys Author
Song Title: The Wind in the Wires
Visits: 645
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Wake lady wake

the hills are in flood.

And the road we must take

is a river of blood.

And the wind in the wires

and your heart like a cup

And I'm down in the war

and you've got to get up

For mercy's sake

wake lady wake

Dress lady dress

put on your (jacket/skull-cap) and boots.

For the (thief/priest) has confessed

and the chase is afoot.

And the hounds are behind

gunmen around every tree

And if it's all in our minds

well, where else would it be

I suggest

you dress lady, dress

This is the day, this is the day this is,

this is the day, this is, this is the day the day

This is the day

This is the day, this is the day this is,

this is the day the day, this is the day the day

This is the day

Our kingdom will crash

like a sad piece of trash

(Swim Lady swim

the whole river across

Though our chances are slim

and we're totally lost!


Swim Lady swim

Lady, don't refuse

Though our chances are slim

and we're totally confused!)

There are clues to be found

oh, and I'd ask my peers

But they're all dumbing down

until this bad weather clears

We're out on a limb

so swim lady, swim

This is the day, this is the day the day

this is the day, this is the day

This is the day

this is the day, this is the day the day

This is the day, this is the day the day

this is the day

The kingdom will crash

like an old piece of trash

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