Waterdeep - Just Like You Lyrics

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Artist: Waterdeep
Song Title: Just Like You
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Find my heart at the bottom of the well Im in
Find my heart
Lower your strong hand down and rescue me
Rescue me

Its just like you to bring light into darkness
Its just like you, Lord its just like you
Its just like you to bring light into darkness
Its just like you, Lord its just like you

See my soul in the place I fell into
See my soul
Lift my head from the shame Ive bowed down to
Lift my head

Its just like you to bring beauty to ashes
Its just like you, Lord its just like you
Its just like you to bring beauty to ashes
Its just like you, Lord its just like you

And Ive been trying my whole life to be good without the cross
But all that I have gained is this emptiness and loss

So speak to me in my hopeless lonely place
Speak to me
Raise me up when no hope seems to remain
Raise me up

Its just like to bring life to these dry bones
Its just like you Lord its just like you
Its just like you to bring life to these dry bones
Its just like you Lord its just like you

Its just like you to bring beauty to ashes
Its just like you Lord its just like you
Its just like you to bring beauty to ashes
Its just like you Lord its just like you

Its just like you to bring light into darkness
Its just like you Lord its just like you
Its just like you to bring light into darkness
Its just like you Lord its just like you

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