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I Cant Be Satisfied Song Lyrics
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Other Waters Muddy song Lyrics | Lonesome Road Blues "Have you ever been walking, walking down that old lonesome road? Have you ever been walking, walking down that old lonesome road? No place to go, whee well brown no place to room and board Things look so lonesome, down that road ahead..." | Country Blues "I get later on in the evenin' time, I feel like, like blowin' my horn I woke up this mo'nin, find my, my little baby gone, hmm Later on in the evenin', main man, I feel like, like blowin' my horn Well I, woke up this mo'nin' baby, find my little baby gone..." | I Bes Troubled "I Be's Troubled Well if I feel tomorrow, like I feel today I'm gonna pack my suitcase, and make my getaway Lord I'm troubled, I'm all worried in mind..." | Burr Clover Farm Blues "Well now, I told my man, way up in Dundee Lord, I told my man, way up in Dundee Well now, you go down to Mr. Howard Stovall's place, he got all the burr clover you need Well now, the reason I love, that old Burr Clover Farm, so well..." | Ramblin Kid Blues "Well I am a rambling kid, I've been rambling all of my days Yes, I am a rambling kid, I've been rambling all of my days Well, you know my baby she want me to stop rambling, so she says she'll change her ways Well, now it ain't no use to you rambling, when your baby don't want you to ramble around..." | Burr Clover Blues "Well, now the reason that I love That ol' Stovall's farm so well. Yes, now the reason that I love That ol' Stovall's farm so well...." | Mean Red Spider "I got a mean red spider, and she been webbin' all over town I got a mean red spider, and she been webbin' all over town I'm gonna get me a mean black spider, so I can tear her cobweb down I got a break comin', no need for me to moan..." | Rollin Stone "Well, I wish I was a catfish, swimmin in a oh, deep, blue sea I would have all you good lookin women, fishin, fishin after me..." | |
...Show All | if you want to see other song lyrics from "Feel Like Going Home" album, click "Waters Muddy Singer" and search album songs from the artist page. | |
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