Waters Roger - 4.58 Am (Dunroamin, Duncarin, Dunlivin) Lyrics

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Artist: Waters Roger
Waters Roger Author
Album: The Pros and Cons of Hitchhiking (1984)
Waters Roger - The Pros and Cons of Hitchhiking Album
Song Title: 4.58 Am (Dunroamin, Duncarin, Dunlivin)
Genre: Rock
Visits: 584
Print Version

[Trucker:} "Hey kid, you looking for a lift?
Get on up here
How's it going good buddy?"
I nailed ducks to the wall
Kept my heart in dark ruins
I built bungalows over the hills
Dunroamin, duncarin, dunlivin
Took my girl to the country
To sleep out under the moon
Next thing she's going crazy
[Trucker:] "Women are like that kid
What the hell can you do?"
She waits for the real Mr. Right to come
Gently removing her heart
With his promises of real communication
[Trucker:] "I saw a program about that on TV, heh"
Who's always picking up the tab
Who built a bungalow for his momma and dad
Who took you out to all the shows
Who worked his fingers to the bone
While you were asleep
[Jade:] "It was me...I did!"
I kept you in buttons and bows
[Jade:] "Christ! All those clothes!
So you could encourage this creep
[Hick:] "With that program
I bet some son of a bitch made a million dollars."
With his neat feet
And his clean fingernails
With his wise but twinkling eyes
He's a rock standing out in an ocean of doubt
[Trucker:] "Get movin', get off the road ya Goddam
And compromise
I'd like to go on with this bit of a song
Describing this schmuck
I'd like to go on, but I'm going to throw up
[Trucker:] "Not in my rig you don't boy
Get the hell out of here.

4.58 Am (Dunroamin, Duncarin, Dunlivin) Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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    And I didn't care
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  • Dogs
    "You got to be crazy
    You gotta have a real need
    You gotta sleep on your toes
    When you're on the street..."
  • Welcome To The Machine
    "Welcome my son
    Welcome to the machine
    Where have you been?
    It's alright we know where you've been..."
  • Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun
    "Little by little the night turns around
    Counting the leaves which tremble at dawn
    Lotuses lean on each other in yearning
    Under the eaves the swallow is resting..."
  • Time
    "Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day
    You fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way
    Kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town
    Waiting for someone or something to show you the way..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "The Pros and Cons of Hitchhiking" album, click "Waters Roger Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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