Waters Roger - Home Lyrics

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Artist: Waters Roger
Waters Roger Author
Song Title: Home
Genre: Rock
Visits: 630
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Jim: Oh, God!
Californian Weirdo: Sole has no eyes.
Could be Jerusalem, or it could be Cairo
Could be Berlin, or it could be Prague
Could be Moscow, could be New York
Could be Llanelli, and it could be Warrington
Could be Warsaw, and it could be Moose Jaw
Could be Rome
Everybody got somewhere they call home
When they overrun the defences
A minor invasion put down to expenses
Will you go down to the airport lounge
Will you accept your second class status
A nation of waitresses and waiters
Will you mix their martinis
Will you stand still for it
Or will you take to the hills

It could be clay and it could be sand
Could be desert
Could be a tract of arable land
Could be a house, could be a corner shop
Could be a cabin by a bend in the river
Could be something your old man handed down
Could be something you built on your own
Everybody got something he calls home

When the cowboys and Arabs draw down
On each other at noon
In the cool dusty air of the city boardroom
Will you stand by a passive spectator
Of the market dictators
Will you discreetly withdraw
With your ear pressed to the boardroom door
Will you hear when the lion within you roars
Will you take to the hills

Will you stand, will you stand for it
Will you hear, ohhhh! ohhh! when the lion within
you roars

Could be your father and it could be your mother
Could be your sister, could be your brother
Could be a foreigner, could be a Turk
Could be a cyclist out looking for work. Norman
Could be a king, could be the Aga khan
Could be a Vietnam vet with no arms and no legs
Could be a saint, could be a sinner
Could be a loser or it could be a winner
Could be a banker, could be a baker
Could be a Laker, could be Kareem Abdul Jabar
Could be a male voice choir
Could be a lover, could be a fighter
Could be a super heavyweight, or it could be
something lighter
Could be a cripple, could be a freak
Could be a wop, gook, geek
Could be a cop, could be a thief
Could be a family of ten living in one room on relief
Could be our leaders in their concrete tombs
With their tinned food and their silver spoons
Could be the pilot with God on his side
Could be the kid in the middle of the bomb sight
Could be a fanatic, could be a terrorist
Could be a dentist, could be a psychiatrist
Could be humble, could be proud
Could be a face in the crowd
Could be the soldier in the white cravat
Who turns the key in spite of the fact
That this is the end of the cat and mouse
Who dwelt in the house
Where the laughter rang and the tears were spilt
The house that Jack built
Where the laughter rang and the tears were spilt
The house that Jack built
Bang, bang, shoot, shoot
White gloved thumb, Lord thy will be done
He was always a good boy his mother said
He'll do his duty when he's grown, yeah
Everybody's got someone they call home

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Other Waters Roger song Lyrics
  • In The Flesh
    "So ya thought ya might like to go to the show,
    To feel the warm thrill of confusion,
    That space cadet glow.
    I got some bad news for you, sunshine...."
  • Mother
    "Mother, do ya think they'll like this song?
    Mother, do ya think they'll try to break my balls?
    Ooooh, ahhh, Mother, should I build The Wall?
    Mother, should I run for President?..."
  • Get Your Filthy Hands Off My Desert
    "Brezhnev took Afghanistan
    And Begin took Beirut
    Galtieri took the Union Jack
    And Maggie over lunch one day..."
  • Pigs On The Wing, Part 1
    "If you didn't care
    What happened to me
    And I didn't care
    For you..."
  • Dogs
    "You got to be crazy
    You gotta have a real need
    You gotta sleep on your toes
    When you're on the street..."
  • Welcome To The Machine
    "Welcome my son
    Welcome to the machine
    Where have you been?
    It's alright we know where you've been..."
  • Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun
    "Little by little the night turns around
    Counting the leaves which tremble at dawn
    Lotuses lean on each other in yearning
    Under the eaves the swallow is resting..."
  • Time
    "Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day
    You fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way
    Kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town
    Waiting for someone or something to show you the way..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Radio K.A.O.S." album, click "Waters Roger Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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