Waters Roger - Me Or Him Lyrics

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Artist: Waters Roger
Waters Roger Author
Song Title: Me Or Him
Genre: Rock
Visits: 576
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You wake up in the morning, get something for the pot
Wonder why the sun makes the rocks feel hot
Draw on the walls, eat, get laid
Back in the good old days

Then some damn fool invents the wheel
Listen to the whitewalls squeal
You spend all day looking for a parking spot
Nothing for the heart, nothing for the pot

Benny turned the dial on his Short Wave radio
Oh how he wanted to talk to the people,
he wanted his own show
Tune in Moscow. Tune in New York
Listen tot the Welsh kid talk
Communicating like in the good old days

Forgive me father for I have sinned
It was either me or him
And a voice said Benny
You fucked the whole thing up
Benny your time is up
Your time is up

Benny turned the dial on his Short Wave radio
He wanted to talk to the people
He wanted his own show
Tune in Moscow. Tune in New York
Listen to the Welsh kid talk communicating
Like in the good old days

Forgive me Father
Welsh Policeman: Mobile One Two to Central.
For I have sinned
Welsh Policeman: We have a multiple on the A465
between Cwmbran and Cylgoch.
Father it was either me or him.
Father can we turn back the clock?
Welsh Policeman: Ambulance, over.
I never meant to drop the concrete block.
Welsh Policeman: Roger central, over and out.

Benny turned the dial on his Short Wave radio
He wanted to talk to the people
He wanted his own show
Tune in Moscow. Tune in New York
Listen to the Welsh kid talk
Just like in the good old days
The good old days

Radio announcer: Do you really think Iranian terrorists would have taken
Americans hostage if Ronald Reagan were president?
Do you really think the Russians would have invaded Afghanistan if Ronald
Reagan were president?
Do you really think third-rate military dictators would laugh at America and
burn our flag in contempt if Ronald Reagan were president?
Concerned Citizen: Well, it might work!
Hostage: We as a group do most importantly want to beseech President Reagan and
our fellow Americans to refrain from any form of military or violent means as
an attempt, no matter how noble or heroic, to secure our freedom.

Concerned Citizen: Sure! Only it's going to be mighty dangerous for you,

Hoppy's faithful sidekick: guess you don't know Hopalong Cassidy, Mister.
Adventure's his bread, excitement's his butter and danger, why to him that's
like strawberry jam to top it off.

Jim: This is some live rock and roll at KAOS, where rock and roll comes out of
chaos and a song called "The Powers that Be"...

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Other Waters Roger song Lyrics
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    That space cadet glow.
    I got some bad news for you, sunshine...."
  • Mother
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    Mother, do ya think they'll try to break my balls?
    Ooooh, ahhh, Mother, should I build The Wall?
    Mother, should I run for President?..."
  • Get Your Filthy Hands Off My Desert
    "Brezhnev took Afghanistan
    And Begin took Beirut
    Galtieri took the Union Jack
    And Maggie over lunch one day..."
  • Pigs On The Wing, Part 1
    "If you didn't care
    What happened to me
    And I didn't care
    For you..."
  • Dogs
    "You got to be crazy
    You gotta have a real need
    You gotta sleep on your toes
    When you're on the street..."
  • Welcome To The Machine
    "Welcome my son
    Welcome to the machine
    Where have you been?
    It's alright we know where you've been..."
  • Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun
    "Little by little the night turns around
    Counting the leaves which tremble at dawn
    Lotuses lean on each other in yearning
    Under the eaves the swallow is resting..."
  • Time
    "Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day
    You fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way
    Kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town
    Waiting for someone or something to show you the way..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Radio K.A.O.S." album, click "Waters Roger Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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