Watson Wayne - The Fine Line Lyrics

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Artist: Watson Wayne
Song Title: The Fine Line
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Wayne Watson
Ephesians 5:15/I John 2:6/Philippians 4:11-12

There's a fine line
Between contentment and greed
Between the things that I want
And the things that I need
Between "enough is enough"
And where desires feed
It's a fine line

How do I live with so much
Here with the spoil of the blessed
And not abandon this boat
For the sea of excess
To aspire to great things
Yet be filled with humbleness
It's a fine line--Oh yes, it's a fine line

So where do I walk, Where is my place
The straight and the narrow
The road of grace
Holdin' fast to You, Walkin' at Your pace
Walkin' on the fine line
Walkin' on the fine line
Walkin' on the fine line

There's a fine line
Between taking bread with a lost man
And being consumed by his way
While reaching out in love
Temptation's right at your door
Guard what you're thinkin' of
It's a fine line

When I hide my eyes
From the darkest of our life's insanity
From the worst of the world's profanity
I've gotta be careful
I don't miss anyone in need of me
It's a fine line--Oh yes, it's a fine line

And can I embrace the world's sorrow
And not be carried away by life's rain
Know the power of the resurrection
And still know the fellowship of His pain
Not talkin' 'bout walkin' fences
Not talkin' 'bout compromise
But living and breathing as pleasing in His eyes

If I've said it once, I've said it a million, no a billion times,
"There's a fine line between so and so." The black and white
doesn't give so much trouble. At least when I choose black or
white, I KNOW I'VE DONE IT! The faith, on-the-edge walk,
requires a surer foot that I have...it requires leading

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    Healing of the blind--Stillness from disaster..."

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