Waylander - Born to the Fight Lyrics
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Waylander Singer Lyrics
Born to the Fight Song Lyrics
Reawakening Pride Once Lost (2005)
Song Title:
Born to the Fight
Metal: Death, Black
Print Version
A mistery around me
Eminating from the land
Only true kindred spirits
May even hope to understand
A voice I hear which is calling out to me
A message all around when my mind is free
Speaking in whispers thrown from the wind
Out from my surroundings calling out to me
Haunted by the canopy of green
I blaze of blue and emerald fire
A finer sight I've rarely seen
And I dine on awe alone
Swirling ashadows
Dance upon the water still
And sky and cloud vie for prominence
On the surface calm
A lone deed
Creating ripples alike waves
And all along the surface
Now consequence in journey
I breathe I feel my lungs
I breathe I feel my soul
I breathe I fill alive
I am alive!
Green surrounds me
The wind in my hair
Fast flowing waters
The hills and the vales
Ignited by passion
Most purent by far
My life I now fashion
I live for his hour
Free to live
Free to roam
Free to think
Free as the wind
Elation I peel
So hard to comprehend
As i stand alone
Upon Anu's land
I have come home
I have been found
The way it once was
Is as it shall be
Born to the Fight Lyrics
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Other Waylander song Lyrics
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And dream
Journey with me...."
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Kindred spirits fought to overcome
Druids held sway over kings
And the thrill of the hunt prevailed..."
With Veins Afire
"Tonight we feast
O brothers of my clan
Tonight we feast
O brothers of my blade..."
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