Wayne Newton - The (Elvis) Letter Lyrics
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The (Elvis) Letter Song Lyrics
Wayne Newton
Song Title:
The (Elvis) Letter
Print Version
One more phone call from a friend
Just to say how hard it?s been
How their hopes and dreams have scattered
With the wind
They don?t see that I?m there too
How it breaks my heart in two
Just to make it through this night?s all I can do
Help me Lord
I need the sun to drive away
The shadows in my mind
Help me Lord
I need someone to guide me
When the path is hard to find
Even though the crowd surrounds me
I?m still standing all alone
When I know I can?t go on
Help me Lord
As I awake again today
And my pain won?t go away
And the face I have to wear
Shows a smile
Now my nights are so alone
I just wish I could go home
I don?t know if I can make it another mile
Help me Lord
I need the sun to drive away
The shadows in my mind
Please help me Lord
I need someone to guide me
When the path is hard to find
Even though the crowd surrounds me
I?m still standing all alone
When I know I can?t go on
Help me Lord
I feel so alone sometimes
The night is quiet for me
I?d love to be able to sleep
I am glad that everyone is gone now
I?ll probably not rest tonight
I have no need for all of this
Help me Lord
Help me Lord
I need the sun to drive away
The shadows in my mind
Please help me Lord
I need someone to guide me
When the path is hard to find
Even though the crowd surrounds me
God I am so all alone
When I know I can?t go on
Help me Lord
Won?t you come and take me home
Help me Lord
The (Elvis) Letter Lyrics
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