Wckr Spgt - Tarla Walks Lyrics

Lyrics Directory>> W>> Wckr Spgt Singer Lyrics>> Tarla Walks Song Lyrics
Artist: Wckr Spgt
Song Title: Tarla Walks
Visits: 562
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Tarla walks down the hall
And when she walks, sometimes she falls.
Tarla makes it whenever she can
And she listens to the flesh in her bag.
Tarla dreams of the day that she will see
Mr. Chilk's eyes down the hall.
What she wants is not that hard.
Mr. Chilk is a political man
And nothing will stop him, nothing can.
Even the lack of vital tissue
cannot sway him from his vision
And his mission and her satchel
are unstable and yet central to the issue at hand.
And Tarla walks down the hall
And when she walks sometimes she falls.
She gets up
And Tarla walks
And asks herself about the ox

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  • Because Shell Do Anything
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    and with a little smile I just stood there smiling
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  • Because
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  • Brown Bag Of Dreams
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  • Capricorn One
    "Capricorn One - what have you done?
    You should have landed on the sun.
    Capricorn One.
    You see, the real astronauts -..."
  • Charles Mansion
    "It used to be a church on the isle of Atlantis
    Mr. Chilk hurts, it was all just a fantasy
    One dream in the brain of a beast used for labor
    One beam in the house for a girl-dream to savor..."
  • Daphne Stepping Sideways
    "Daphne stepping sideways. Watch her step sideways
    just like a crab steps sideways. Crawl, crawl, crawl sideways.
    Daphne dodging gunfire. Hope she sees the tripwire.
    Crabs can't see the tripwire...."

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