Webb Pierce - Back Street Affair Lyrics

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Artist: Webb Pierce
Song Title: Back Street Affair
Visits: 875
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You didn't know I wasn't free when you fell in love with me

And with all your young heart you learned to care

It brought you shame and disgrace the world has tumbled in you place

Because they call our love a back street affair

They say you wrecked my home I'm a husband that's gone wrong

They don't know the sorrow that we've had to bear

For the one that I'm tied to was the first to be untrue

And yet they call our love a back street affair

[ guitar - fiddle ]

We have each other now that's all that matters anyhow

Oh the judgement of gossip's never fair

We'll just be brave and strong then someday they'll see they're wrong

So let them call our love a back street affair

We'll be free to love someday when all the talk has died away

And the happiness we've hoped for then we'll share

I'll climb a mountain high and the world will hear me cry

That our love is not a back street affair

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