Webb Wilder - The Rest (Will Take Care Of Itself) Lyrics

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Artist: Webb Wilder
Song Title: The Rest (Will Take Care Of Itself)
Visits: 615
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There?s a glimmer of morning just over the tree line
the sky full of starlings scatter at rain sign
I don't know what the day will bring
assuming it does come
I just know that I need you
forever and then some

I was living in a world
where people pawned their souls
for the smallest change
so it's by heart I know
a little hope is a precious thing

In the thick of night
it'll hold up in the light
put love above everything else
and the rest will take care of itself

I have known darkness jet black as the raven
You just might be the closest I will ever get to heaven
But everybody needs forgiveness
Even those that don?t deserve it
Everybody needs salvation
Even if they don?t believe a word

I was living in a world where people shape truth
just as bold as day
now when I have you
I won?t throw your trust away

And in the thick of night
it'll hold up in the light
put love above everything else
and the rest will take care of itself

The rest will take care of itself,
the rest will take care of itself
Come on, come on
Come on

Every dream has a blind side,
a trap door that?s tripped by doubt
I?ve tried to see reason
but I couldn?t quite make it out

I was living in a world
Where every mask I wore
Fell on its face
I will masquerade no more
Love don?t need no hiding place

And n the thick of night
it'll hold up in the light
put love above everything else
and the rest will take care of itself

The rest will take care of itself,
the rest will take care of itself

The rest will take care of itself,
the rest will take care of itself

Come on, come on
Come on

(feel free to correct it!)

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