Webster Max - Gravity Lyrics

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Artist: Webster Max
Song Title: Gravity
Visits: 575
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M--Mitchell; L--DuBois)

what do i know / i sat under a cloud / i looked up / 'fraid to look down
i knew i'd cry if i didn't clear / i knew i'd die if i didn't hear you say

forget that fear of gravity
you take that dream away from me / i'll have trouble getting through the day
get a little savagery in your life
i'll have trouble tying my shoes
forget that fear of gravity
i'll laugh when it rains and dampens my hair
get a little savagery in your life

in my cloud / i walk close never fearing the edge
never waiting at the bend / never two-faced at a crossroads
never wanting the edge of my cloud / tender is the night--C

forget that fear of gravity gravity gravity

forget that fear of gravity
and i'll sit in the window without a cigarette
get a little savagery in your life

SONG@: Words to Words
(M--Mitchell; L--DuBois)

u r an original creation / celebrate / celebrate
moving me down to earth
face to face words to words
it's just so damn easy for me to go
u hold my mind and fate

u r murder u r mercy
black and white
u attract u repel
u r thunder u r silence

C riding me down to earth
face to face words to words
stealing a gaze for all its worth
at the roads we traced / the stars we paced
it was easy with my life on the line

C2 think i'm going to settle down tonight / say u kept me crying alright
think i'm going to settle down tonight / cause u did something
seemed hazy / almost goddesslike

u r an original creation / celebrate / celebrate--C, C2

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    "Recorded live, July 28, 1980, Phase One Studios, Toronto
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  • Beyond The Moon
    "it's another world we think in / because words are obsolete
    two thousand years we kissed the devil / before we knew defeat
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