Webster Max - Lip Service Lyrics

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Artist: Webster Max
Song Title: Lip Service
Visits: 531
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second hand telegram / lip service legal love
second hand out of town telegram / lip service legal love

so you're the lawyer's wife / how's life on lakeshore road
furs and boats caviar and moats / and your fat kitten
is teasing your aunt / in the hall / with the liver hors d'oeuvres
she gives her guest(s) / when on call

ahhhhh you should be down under / pushin' up wheat for the hungry

big revolutions in my black book / written down in our teens
i gave them to krushchev / i lent them to lennon

second hand out of town telegram / lip service legal love
lip service second hand out of town / lip service love

so you're the canker banker / hours nine to five on fantasies of gold
vets cheques cigars nassau / and your harness horse / is cold cash
'cause the drugs you use work fast / burned off and out before the race track
urine test

ahhhhh you should be down under / pushin' up wheat for the hungry

socialutions / written down in our teens
i mailed them to kennedy / i typed them for tito

only your right hand / knows you're left handed

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Other Webster Max song Lyrics
  • A Million Vacations
    "friday friday is a good time to shine / night sea journeys journeys to unwind
    losing all survival signs / rerun movies taking all your time
    C--a million vacations is what you've got in mind
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  • Americas Veins
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    i want to make grafitti / i want to put a little blood / in america's veins
    C she said if you want to get down in the dark / i'll come with you
    cause i see that natural look in your eyes..."
  • April In Toledo
    "april in Toledo / talking to myself / talking to myself
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    C--i'll run i'll run to Niagara / i'll hide i'll hide in the dark
    she wouldn't have me for conversation no more..."
  • Astonish Me
    "could you explain to a simple man / why you always have to back away
    when something in your eyes / is asking me to make you stay
    let's say we're lost in a sudden storm / and settle down into the night
    we're still a universe away / but it's alright..."
  • Battle Scar
    "Recorded live, July 28, 1980, Phase One Studios, Toronto
    been in jail for a thousand years found a fist in an empty field
    only quarters for meals feel the way i feel......"
  • Beyond The Moon
    "it's another world we think in / because words are obsolete
    two thousand years we kissed the devil / before we knew defeat
    chapter eating marx one morning / freaking out on electric meat
    chewing thrills with turkish madmen / space speed to sweden without sleep..."
  • Blowing the Blues Away
    "There's a bottle of wine in the kitchen
    If you feel like hanging around
    We can watch the rain on the window
    We can burn your blues to the ground..."
  • Blue River Liquor Shine
    "the day seems longer / when your head is hanging down
    and you are taking to the back streets / looking for something lost
    finding something found
    C--how long does it take this feeling to show..."

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