Wedding Parties Anything - BIG RIVER Lyrics

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Artist: Wedding Parties Anything
Song Title: BIG RIVER
Visits: 583
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He came up from the country looking for a job of work,
He came from a town that died a slow hard death,
And when the train pulled into Spencer Street, he was fast asleep.
He opened one eye and he took a long deep breath.
On the first day he was dazed by the noise and by the bustle,
He sat in the square, and tried so hard to think.
Found a cheap hotel and booked himself a room all damp and shabby
He sat in the bar, he bought himself a drink.
He sang: "Flow river flow, flow to the sea,
Flow on big river, bring my dreams back home to me."
He rose early on the second day,
And watched the dirty struggle of the dawn
To rise above the smoke and haze.
And armed with a map he made his way from factory to foundry,
Joined the queues of the unskilled labourers.
Then an old man came, shook his hand,
Sat right there beside him,
And he heard the tale of rural poverty.
Shook his head, and with a tear he said,
"All that you have told me
Is like having my own story told to me."
He sang: "Flow river flow, flow to the sea,
Flow on big river, bring my dreams back home to me."
Drinking harder every night,
He made himself keep searching
Till he found he could not rise to greet the day.
And he lay behind a vale of tears on the Yarra bank that morning,
And he wondered how the hell things got this way.
Late that night he stumbled from an inner city bar,
Barely conscious down the alley he did sway.
And they beat him, they sank the boot in,
And they took his last four dollars,
Left him dying in the dawn, it was Saturday...
He sang: "Flow river flow, flow to the sea,
Flow on big river, bring my dreams back home to me."
Flow river flow, flow to the sea,
Flow on big river, bring my dreams back home to me.
Flow river flow, oh flow on to the sea,
Flow on big river, bring my dreams, bring them home to me

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Other Wedding Parties Anything song Lyrics
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    While the women comb their hair, shell their peas
    And wonder what they've missed.
    And the forlorn children scan the streets..."
  • GUN
    "A bunch of withered roses lie, a faded silhouette
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    They're tying up your body with some rusty Number 8 and they say,
    Too early with your run, son...."
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    For what we once had will not come again...."
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    Missing in action, missing in action?
    And after all these years why must you be
    Missing in action, missing in action?..."
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    His Chevy it was all over the road.
    He pulled into town sometime in the early afternoon,
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    "On a day not quite like any other
    In a land both warm and sweet,
    You were born such a proud, proud daughter
    A smirk on your face, the world at your feet...."
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    And the Sisters of Mercy looked out through their tents
    At the fires in petrol drums, they seemed to say..."
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    Through the spastic Northcote streets at dawn
    See the way her hair's tied back,
    Her cheeks so red, a grey coat ragged and worn...."
  • ...Show All

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