Ween - Pollo Asado Lyrics
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Pollo Asado Song Lyrics
The Pod (1991)
Song Title:
Pollo Asado
Print Version
Come on, it's a beautiful night for a walk on the beach, wouldn't you say?
Yes, I would say that, I would say that.
Let me start of with a basket of chips.
Then move on to the pollo assado taco.
I would like two pollo assado tacos with one beef chimichanga.
On the chimichanga, I would like a side of sour cream.
I would like tomatoes and onions on my casadia.
For the dessert I would like the (???). I would like extra cinnamon.
Do you make guacamole?
Yes, I do make guacamole.
Uh, I would like a side of guacamole on my Tostitos.
I like to dip the Tositos in the guacamole.
Can I get a basket, I told you about a basket of chips.
I would like a large iced-tea, 2, uh, 2 large iced-teas.
Ok, that'll be $16.07.
Out of $20? Ok, $16.07's your change.
Hi, can I help you?
I would like a basket of chips,
a beef chimichanga with a side of sour cream.
I would like some guacamole on my chimichanga
with a casadia of tomato, onion, and vegetables.
I should like a burrito with beef, beans, and
I would like a carne assado taco.
Could you put some hot sauce on that for me?
No, inside the taco. Not on the side.
Yes, can I have a carne assado taco?
Not a pollo assado, we don't have chicken.
Do you have guacamole?
Can you make me some guacamole?
I have guacamole.
Ok, on my burrito I would like the muchaco beef and the shredded pork.
And some more cheese, please.
Ok, that'll be $22...
Uh, oh yes, I would like two lemonades and one medium iced-tea.
Ok, that'll be $20.07.
Out of $22? Ok, $1.52's your change.
Thanks a lot. Your food will be up. Here, let me get your drinks.
Hi, can I help you? Yes, I would like a basket of chips
I would like a beef chimi...
Umm, what is, what is the, what is the, what is the pollo assado?
That's the chicken.
Ok, what is the carne assado?
That's the beef.
Ok, let me get two carne assado tacos...
Pollo Asado Lyrics
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fat lenny's gonna gonna lick the shilack off the window sill..."
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don't laugh i love you
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just do whatcha wanna
it'll be ok..."
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down by the river
by the ocean
across the field..."
"Hey...lay it on me
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Morgan's pain succumbs to the frame..."
i love you
i'll never leave you
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Ween Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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