Weird Al Yankovich - Polka Power Lyrics

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Artist: Weird Al Yankovich
Song Title: Polka Power
Visits: 649
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Wannabe" by Spice Girls]
Yeah, well, I'll tell ya what I want, what I really really want
(So tell us what ya want, what ya really really want)
I'll tell ya what I want, what I really really want
(So tell us what ya want, what ya really really want)
I wanna ha, I wanna ha, I wanna ha, I wanna ha
I wanna really, really, really, wanna zigga zigga, ah!
If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends
Make it last forever, friendship never ends
If you wanna be my lover, you have got to give
Taking is too easy, but that's the way it is.

["Flagpole Sitta" by Harvey Danger]
I'm not sick, but I'm not well.
And I'm so hot, 'cause I'm in hell.
I'm not sick, but I'm not well.
And it's a sin to live so well.

["Ghetto Supastar (That Is What You Are)" by Pras Michel w/ Ol' Dirty Bastard & Mya]
Ghetto superstar, that is what you are,
Coming from afar, reaching for the stars.
Run away with me, to another place
We can rely on each other, uh huh
From one corner to another, uh huh

["Everybody (Backstreet's Back)" by Backstreet Boys]
Everybody (yeah)
Rock your body (yeah)
Rock your body right.
Backstreet's back, all right!
All right!

["Walkin' On The Sun" by Smash Mouth]
So don't delay, act now, supplies are running out
But now, if you're still alive, six to eight years to arrive
And if you follow, there may be a tomorrow
But if the offer's shun, you might as well be walking on the sun
Might as well be walking on the sun!

["Intergalactic" by Beastie Boys]
Intergalactic planetary, planetary intergalactic
Intergalactic planetary, planetary intergalactic
Intergalactic planetary, planetary intergalactic

["Tubthumping" by Chumbawamba]
I get knocked down, but I get up again,
You're never gonna keep me down
I get knocked down, but I get up again
You're never gonna keep me down
I get knocked down, but I get up again
You're never gonna keep me down
I get knocked down, but I get up again
You're never gonna keep me down

["Ray Of Light" by Madonna]
Quicker than a ray of light
Quicker than a ray of light
Quicker than a ray of li-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-ight

["Push" by Matchbox 20]
I wanna push you around, well I will, well I will
I wanna push you down, well I will, well I will
I wanna take you for granted
I wanna take you for granted
Yeah, yeah, well I will

["Semi-Charmed Life" by Third Eye Blind]
I want something else
To get me through this semi-charmed kinda life, baby baby
I want something else
I'm not listening when you say good-bye.
Doot doot doot, doot do doot do
Doot doot doot, doot do doot do
Doot doot doot, doot do doot do
Do do do, do do doot

["The Dope Show" by Marilyn Manson]
There's lots of pretty, pretty ones
That want to get you high
But all the pretty, pretty ones
Will leave you low and blow your mind
We're all stars now in the dope show
We're all stars now in the dope show

["Mmmbop" by Hanson]
Mmmbop, do floppa do wop
Do be dop ah
Do wap, do zap ah, do
Yeah-ee yeah
Mmmbop, do b'zap ah, do wop
Do be dop ah
Do wop, doom zap ah, do

["Sex And Candy" by Marcy Playground]
I smell sex and candy here
Who's that lounging in my chair?
Who's that casting devious stares in my direction?
Mama, this surely is a dream
Yeah, yeah mama, this surely is a dream
Dig it, yeah mama, this surely is...

["Closing Time" by Semisonic]
Closing time
One last call for alcohol
So finish your whiskey or beer
Closing time
You don't have to go home
But you can't stay here
I know who I wanna take me home
I know who I wanna take me home
I know who I wanna take me home
Take us home.

["Way Moby Polka" by Al Yankovic]
'Cause it's closing time!
(Yeah it's closing time)
(We're talkin' 'bout closin' time)
(It's really closin' time)

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    "Listenin' to the Muzak
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    Sittin' in the waiting room
    Readin' crappy magazines..."
  • Everything You Know Is Wrong
    "I was driving on the freeway in the fast lane
    With a rabid wolverine in my underwear
    When suddenly a guy behind me in the back seat
    Popped right up and cupped his hands across my eyes..."
  • Germs
    "Sometimes I really want to be alone
    But that's one state I'm never in
    Because I know that I've got millions upon millions
    Of tiny, one-celled organisms living on my skin..."
  • Grapefruit Diet
    "Who's that waddlin' down the street?
    It's just me, 'cause I love to eat
    Fudge and Twinkies and deviled ham
    Who's real flabby? Yes, I am!..."
  • Gump
    "Gump sat alone on a bench in the park
    "My name is Forrest," he'd casually remark
    Waitin' for the bus with his hands in his pockets
    He just kept sayin' life is like a box of chocolates..."

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