Weller Paul - A Bullet For Everyone Lyrics

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Artist: Weller Paul
Weller Paul Author
Album: Illumination (2003)
Weller Paul - Illumination Album
Song Title: A Bullet For Everyone
Genre: Rock
Visits: 816
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Everybody doing it
Doing it real good
Everybody knowing it
Like they know they should
Shiny sabres rattling
Long into the night
And everybody saying it
Saying what they like
There are words there to inspire you
There are words there to be heard
Maybe none of them will fire you
But none the less they will make you listen by force.

Everybody shouting it
From every place on high
Everybody loving it
Loving what they find
There's blood upon each handshake
Lies upon each word
And everybody killing it
Killing off what's good
There are holes in the divisions
Between the haves and who have nots
There's a bomb for every city
Now they don't know where to stop
And they say there's no provisions
There's not enough to go round
But when it comes to the gun there's a bullet for everyone
When it comes to the gun there's a bullet for everyone

Everybody wanting it
Wanting it to stop
The chaos and destruction
The bloodshed on the rocks
The pain and deprivation
The losses and the grief
The tired, worn out promises
Of the politicians' brief
There are holes in the divisions
Between the haves and who have nots
There's a bomb for every city
Now they don't know how to stop
And they say there's no provisions
There's not enough to go round
But when it comes to the gun there's a bullet for everyone
When it comes to the gun there's a bullet for everyone
When it comes to the gun there's a bullet for everyone

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  • One X One
    "share your dreams
    give us all the beam we need
    like electric light
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  • Bag Man
    "BAG MAN
    You may find me in the street somewhere
    I may be floatin' round the bins
    I'm looking for something..."
  • All Good Books
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    bending all his words
    of which he's proud
    but the carpenter was only..."
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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Illumination" album, click "Weller Paul Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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