Weller Paul - Sunflower Lyrics
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Weller Paul Singer Lyrics
Sunflower Song Lyrics
Weller Paul
Hit Parade (2007)
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SUNFLOWER - Paul Weller
I don't care how long this lasts
We have no future - we have no past
I write this now while I'm in control
I'll choose the words and how the melody goes -
Along winding streets, we walked hand in hand
And how I long for that sharp wind
To take my breath away again
I'd run my fingers through your hair
Hair like a wheatfield, I'd run through
That I'd run through -
And I miss you so - I miss you so
No you're gone, I feel so alone
I miss you so
I'd send you a flower - a sunflower bright
While you cloud my days, messing up my nights
And all the way up to the top of your head
Sunshower kisses, I feld we had
And I miss you so - I miss you so
All I gotta do, is think of you - and I miss you so
Baby I'm afraid to say why - I miss you so
Crystal words, that hang so fine - But none will stop us falling
Pulling faster all the time - Powerless to warnings
If you feel the hand of God - Can you guide it holy man?
But you are only flesh and blood - Waiting too for judgement
Still saying! Daddy don't weep, Momma don't cry
Everybody gets their time
Don't be sad, don't be blue - Pray for me, I'll do the same for you
Split the Father and the Son - Hand words to ease them
In the other is a gun - baptized by fear, and
If you have the hand of God - Can you heal us, holy man?
But you are only flesh and blood - Waiting too for judgement
Still saying! Hang on tight, hang on strong
How much longer can this go on
But don't be sad, don't be blue - It's one more thing set to confuse
Daddy don't weep, Momma don't cry
Every fear must have its time
Don't be sad, don't be blue - Pray for me, I'll do the same for you.
Can you bring the hand of God?
Can you stop the killing?
Get us back to hope and love - Never more be needed -
Still saying! Bloods gone bad, bad to worse
Worse to bad and back again
But don't be sad, don't be blue - It's one more thing sent to confuse
Momma don't weep, Daddy don't cry
Every fear must have its time
Don't be sad, don't be blue - Pray for me, I'll do the same for you.
WILD WOOD - Paul Weller
High tide - mid afternoon
People fly by, in the traffics boom
Knowing - where you're blowing
Getting to where, you should be going.
Don't let, them get you down
Making you feel, guilty about
Golden rain, bring you riches
All the good things - you deserve now.
Climbing, forever trying
Find your way out - of the wild, wild wood
Now theres, no justice
There's only yourself - that you can trust in
And I said - high tide, mid afternoon
People fly by, in the traffics boom
Knowing - just where you're blowing
Getting to where, you should be going.
Day by day, your world fades away
Waiting to feel - all the dreams that say
Golden rain will bring you riches
All the good things - you deserve now - and I say
Climbing, forever trying
Find your way out - of the wild, wild wood
And all the pictures on the wall
Serve only to remind you of it all
The wasted days we could have lived
Now we're left with nothing left to give
There was a time I really loved you
But when that was I just can't say
As all the memories merge into one
As each day becomes each day
The clock hands ticking on the wall
Are just reminders of it all
The wasted days we could have lived
Now we're left with nothing left to give
We used to meet each others' eyes
And that's all we'd have to say
Now we don't talk that much at all
The further our eyes seem to stray
And in a funny kind of way
This empty room was full one day
Full of love that we once shared - now it all looks so bare
The silent walls whose cracks I feel -
But is there room to let the hatred heal?
And when I open my eyes - will it then be morning?
First rays of summer sun - coming down and shining
And if I open my heart and say all that you would want
Hope, faith and all I believe will be there to greet me
And if I open my head, remember all that I said
Hey baby, what will you find - coming down to meet you?
A lot of words but no one talking
I don't want no part of that
Something real is what I'm seeking
One clear voice in the wilderness
And put an end to all your doubts -
Has my fire really, really gone out?
COUNTRY - Paul Weller
I know a place not far from here
Where life's sweet perfume fills the air
And if you want, I'll take you there
If you want, I'll take you there
Into the light out of the dark
Where only love can heal your heart
And if you want I'll make a start
If you want - I'll make a start
This place I say, half hour away
Is that so far to go? - so near
And further on we'll find the time
And lose the discontent we feel - that we feel
I feel the time we've yet to reach
Is not yet within our own belief
But I feel sure that time has come
If it goes on at all - if it goes on and on - if it goes on and on
I know a place not far from here
Where life's sweet perfume fills the air
And if you want we'll lay a while there
If you want, we'll lay a while there
Sunflower Lyrics
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Other Weller Paul song Lyrics
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don't live me alone
stay with me darling
I can't face this on my own...."
A Bullet For Everyone
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Everybody knowing it
Like they know they should..."
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that we're real..."
Who Brings Joy
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Now The Night Is Here
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blow gently on
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now the night is here..."
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give us all the beam we need
like electric light
in a ballroom scene..."
Bag Man
You may find me in the street somewhere
I may be floatin' round the bins
I'm looking for something..."
if you want to see other song lyrics from "Hit Parade" album, click "
Weller Paul Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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