Weller Paul - Sweet Pea My Sweet Pea Lyrics
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Weller Paul Singer Lyrics
Sweet Pea My Sweet Pea Song Lyrics
Weller Paul
Hit Parade (2007)
Song Title:
Sweet Pea My Sweet Pea
Print Version
Sweet pea, my sweet pea
You're the one to get my heart a-jumpin'
Light of love all around your
being to see
The future - it's looking at you
It only exists because you're alive
So close your eyes and smile
your smiles of sweet dreams
And fill them with love again
Sweet pea
Fill them with joy again
Each pace I take and you know why
I write for you and I to try
To take the things that lie around
And turn them into dreams so swift-so proud
Its on a time again
And its mine again
Sweet thing, loving you is easy
Goodbye sadness when I'm around you
Giving me something I can feel
Down to in bones
Ah, sometimes - maybe just sometimes
Look back on these times and smile
And have the grace to know
What you have seen
And fill you with love again
Sweet pea
(You) fill me with hope again!
My Sweet Pea
Recollected thoughts and songs
Emblems of forgotten words
Remnants of a time so clear
That still rings fresh and true
When the wind is here
It's on a time again
And it's mine again!
Sweet pea, my sweet pea
Heaven knows I got a thing about you
You're the girl to get my heart
Start jumpin' again
Ah, sometimes - baby just sometimes
Look back on these times and smile
And have the grace to know
What you have seen
How it should be - my sweet pea
Only God knows what I feel about you
You're the girl to get my heart
Start pumpin' around
The Future? - its looking at you
It only exists because you're alive
So close your eyes and smile
Your smiles of sweet dreams...
Fill them with love again
Sweet pea
Fill them with joy again
Yes, sweet thing
Fill them with love again
My sweet pea
Sweet Pea My Sweet Pea Lyrics
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Other Weller Paul song Lyrics
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I may be floatin' round the bins
I'm looking for something..."
if you want to see other song lyrics from "Hit Parade" album, click "
Weller Paul Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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