Wellwater Conspiracy - The Scroll Lyrics

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Artist: Wellwater Conspiracy
Song Title: The Scroll
Visits: 562
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In this dark-eyed room, now spent mind
Too little time time
You wake up, hours loom
It comes to you too too
The staff went through the power lines
The power lines

Some more time, is little
The life, the scroll has killed them
If you cross the line, forever asking why

Shiver only witnesses, with every move
Sweat a beat bright-eyed glint
Last morning never comes for holding to
Too soon for you too

Some more time, is little
The life, the scroll has killed them
If you cross the line, forever asking why

If there's a time close to you die
I will be plesead to meet you to see you
If you'll be going ice

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Other Wellwater Conspiracy song Lyrics
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    And the blind old twist of fate
    Keeps passing me by..."
  • C Myself Eye
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    And teach your son while you do it
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    Go to town, running innocent..."
  • Compellor
    "It took some time
    To come to terms
    With you leaving
    Here the spark..."
  • Felicitys Surprise
    "Devil's grin in platform shoes
    Borrowed diamonds, send in new recruits
    Loose change falling through the room
    Wearing cement wings..."
  • Good Pushing
    "Come on
    With the lifetime you have to explore
    Decided to get down to get down and bawl
    The pain of good pushing..."
  • I Got Nightmares
    "I got nightmares all the time
    'Bout a girl who ain't too fine
    Being in love with that girl is worse
    Knocks me on my head at first..."
  • Ladder To The Moon
    "Ain't got no money
    Ain't got no friends
    I've got snakes crawling
    From end to end..."
  • Now, Invisibly
    "It's not enough
    I'm doin' it for me
    And just because
    Knows when to think..."

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