Werner - Das Muss Kesseln Lyrics

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Artist: Werner
Song Title: Das Muss Kesseln
Visits: 801
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This song goes 'round and 'round in my head
Just like I've never been fed
This song goes 'round in my head
I see and I feel
I see and I feel
That you're almost always
All on your own
You never say what you mean
If you see what I mean
You always mess when I clean
I see and I can feel
I see and I feel
The sun's going to shine for me soon
the sun
You've stuck your soul in a bag
So when you need it you have
You've stuck your soul in a bag
I see and I feel
I see and I feel
The sun is going to shine for me soon
The sun is going to shine for me soon
The sun is going to shine for me soon
The sun is going to shine for me soon
The sun is going to shine for me soon
The sun is going right through your moon
Eric Wincentsen

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