Wesley Wilson and Harry McDaniels - Can You Do That To Me? Lyrics

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Artist: Wesley Wilson and Harry McDaniels
Song Title: Can You Do That To Me?
Visits: 626
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Can you do that to me?
Can you do that to me?

You must roll me 'round like a rolling pin,
And love me good every now and then.

Can you do that to me?
Can you do that to me?

You got two nightgowns, one short, and long,
You knew what I need when you put one on.

Can you do that to me?
Can you do that to me?

You can't push me away when I want your love,
Because love is what I need plenty of.

Can you do that to me?
Can you do that to me?

The last gal I had was a mighty cat,
She could love me long; she was tight like that!

Can you do that to me?
Can you do that to me?

She could make me sad, she could make me sore,
She could make me bake for an hour or more.

Can you do that to me?
Can you do that to me?

You better cook for me and darn my socks;
You better hold me tight when you wind my clock.

Can you do that to me?
Can you do that to me?

Don't you mess around when you hear me moan,
Ain't a thing I got you can't get at home.

Can you do that to me?
Can you do that to me?

You can keep on goin', for I'll soon be dead,
My gal got do more than warm my bed.

Can you do that to me?
Can you do that to me?

You can make me smile, then you can make me frown,
You can make my shade come fallin' down.

Can you do that to me?
Can you do that to me?

I'll buy you clothes and diamond rings,
All you need to do is to shake that thing.

Can you do that to me?
Can you do that to me?

If you take my money, I'll be satisfied,
Ain't nothin' c1

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