Westward Stabbing - The Only Thing Lyrics

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Artist: Westward Stabbing
Westward Stabbing Author
Album: Stabbing Westward (2001)
Westward Stabbing - Stabbing Westward Album
Song Title: The Only Thing
Genre: Metal: Alternative
Visits: 694
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All I need
Is the air you breath
All I need
Is the air I breathe

All you need
Is the air we breathe

All I need
Is the air I breathe

There are so many things
We need so desperately
And the TV preaches
We can't live without them

You tell me what is neat
I'll tell ya what I believe
If I ever were without it
Then I'd be worthless

'Cause you are everything
The only thing that matters
You are everything
The only thing that I need
You are everything
The only thing that matters
Yes you are everything
You are the air I breathe

I wonder if some day
We took all their toys away
Do you think they'd find the strength
To go on living?

'Cause deep inside I know
If I lost everything I owned
I'd be a king
As long as you're beside me

'Cause you are everything
The only thing that matters
Yes you are everything
The only thing I need
My love means everything
The only thing that matters
Yes you are everything
You are the air I breathe

The air I breathe (x5)

I hope someday they find
A place to bid online
Where all lost souls
Can find themselves some meaning

I know we'll survive
All we need's more time
As long as we've got love, and art,
and the ocean

And we are everything
The only thing that matters
We are everything
There's nothing else I need
Our love is everything
The only thing that matters
Cause we are everything
You are the air I breathe

The air I breathe (x5)

You are everything
The only thing that matters
You are everything
There's nothing else I need
Yes you are everything
The only thing that matters
Our love is everything
You are the air I breathe

You are everything
You are the air I breathe
The air I breathe (x5

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Other Westward Stabbing song Lyrics
  • So Far Away
    "I try to feel the distance
    That has grown between us
    Open up as lonely as the space between the stars
    I wish that i could find a way..."
  • Perfect
    "Lately I've noticed
    How much you've changed
    Even though you swear
    You're the same..."
  • I Remember
    "Do you ever wonder where
    We would be if we'd have tried
    A little harder?
    It seems like yesterday..."
  • Wasted
    "I 've spent
    My life
    Running from the emptiness
    That haunts me..."
  • Happy
    "I know you've grown to hate me
    Even more than you have
    Grown to hate yourself
    But has it really made a difference?..."
  • Angel
    "I believed that love was sacred
    As I dove blindly into her sea
    You see, that warm embrace felt more like drowning
    As endless waves crashed over me..."
  • Breathe You In
    "Tomorrow came too soon
    I barely made it through today
    Still empty inside
    I guess nothing's really changed..."
  • High
    "I can't hide it
    I can't find it
    When every nerve is
    Crying out for release..."
  • ...Show All
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