Whispering Jack Smith - Cecilia Lyrics

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Artist: Whispering Jack Smith
Song Title: Cecilia
Visits: 735
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Now, little Miss Cecilia Green,

A little over sweet sixteen,
But the cutest flapper that you've ever seen;
When the fellows pass her by,
She will always wink her eye,
And when she talks to them, when she walks with them,
This is what they all cry:
Does your mother know you're out, Cecilia?
Does she know that I'm about to steal ya?
Oh my, when I look in your eyes,

Something tells me you and I should get together!
How about a little kiss, Cecilia?
Just a kiss you'll never miss, Cecilia,
Why do we two keep on wasting time?
Oh, Cecilia, say that you'll be mine!
Now, many funny things occur,

And while the boys are courting her,
You see, I refer to one thing in particular,
It seems that she went with a boy named Joe
Who was always lisping so,
And when he'd ask this miss
For a little kiss It would sound just like this:
Doeth your mother know that you're out, Thethilia?
And doeth she know that I'm about to thteal ya, Thethilia?
Oh, my, when I look in your eyeth,
Thomething tellth me that you and I should get together!
And how about a little kith, Thethilia? Thethilia!
Jutht a kith you'll never mith, Thethilia,
Why do we two keep on wathting time?
Oh, Thethilia, thay that you'll be mine!

And does your mother know that you're out, Cecilia?
And does she know that I'm about to steal ya, Cecilia?
Oh, my, when I look in your eyes,
Something tells me you and I should get together!

How about a little kiss, Cecilia?
Just a kiss you'll never miss,
Cecilia, Why do we two keep on wasting time?
Oh, Cecilia, say that you'll be mine!

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