White Lion - All Join Our Hands Lyrics
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White Lion Singer Lyrics
All Join Our Hands Song Lyrics
White Lion
Pride (1987)
Song Title:
All Join Our Hands
Print Version
children crying from the heat
don't they know they belong
people fighting can't compete
don't they know that they're wrong
time is standing
still all around
yes time takes us on a trip
round'n'round our minds
pictures of a dream
all it does is cloud all the lies
so let's all join our hands
raise them together
we can fight for the lives that are real
yeah lets all join hands
raise them together
it's a fight for the right that we feel
nations plan hearts are weak
don't they know that we belong
years of growing reach the peak
don't they know that they're wrong
life surrounds us
in many different ways
all we see
are switches there to take it all away
pieces of a dream
all it does is cloud all the lies
so let's all join our hands
raise them together
we can fight for the lives that are real
yeah lets all join hands
raise them together
it's a fight for the right that we feel
is this the way
we treat one another
days filled with hope
lives filled with fear
why must we live
at war with our brothers
when we could live
our future at last
so let's all join our hands
raise them together
we can fight for the lives that are real
yeah lets all join hands
raise them together
it's a fight for the right that we feel
All Join Our Hands Lyrics
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Other White Lion song Lyrics
Little Fighter
Are you cryin tonight?
Are you feelin all right?
I told the world that you were dooooooooowwwwwn on your luck..."
Broken Home
"There?s a sound from the kitchen,
and it?s the sound he has heard a thousand times before.
When he hears his mother crying, he runs away and hides inside his room.
But there is no escaping the echo in his fathers voice...."
Broken Heart
"Here I stand
All alone
Trying to fight the pain
From a broken heart..."
"Baby, baby look so fine
let me know that you'll be mine
cause I don't wanna be alone tonight
pick me up and take me home..."
Lonely Nights
"The little girl standing in the rain
on the corner of 42nd street
and she's all alone on the bad side of town
cause there was a little boy..."
Dont Give Up
"are you tired of working 9 to 5
and are you fed up with your boring life
when your master tells you what to do
years you wasted looking back at you..."
Sweet Little Loving
"little miss dee's got a dirty mind
all around the boy's she's one of a kind
if you wanna good time you can take her home
cause everyone knows she is good in bed..."
Lady Of The Valley
"lady of the valley
can you hear me cry
in the sillness of the night
I have lost my brother..."
if you want to see other song lyrics from "Pride" album, click "
White Lion Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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