White Skull - Time For Glory Lyrics

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Artist: White Skull
White Skull Author
Album: Public Glory, Secret Agony (2000)
White Skull - Public Glory, Secret Agony Album
Song Title: Time For Glory
Genre: Rock: Alternative
Visits: 545
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So universal's the admiration of this story
Covered with glory and renown was the Roman king
The young princess was not pleased at what was going
on there
She was orphan but possessed extensive lands

Angry with he sister Cleopathra had a fight
She put Asinoe to death nor her brother could survive
She won the admiration of the Roman conqueror
He declared she would have been the ruler of the
Egyptian throne

Time, that was the time for the country pride
Value and glory
Rome controlled the world
Caesar the lord grew higher and higher
Cruel, terrible fate, full of mistakes
That was the story
Yet, even in death they couldn't forget the love for
each other

Back in Rome his son in law was disappointed
He found the agreement with the Egyptian pretty unfair
First he slew his master in a treacherous attack
In her desperation Cleopathra fought him till the end

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    but the memories it makes me wanna cry..."
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