White Stripes - Boweevil Lyrics

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Artist: White Stripes
Song Title: Boweevil
Visits: 629
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You may talk about the ladies

The ladies of your own

These boweevils they'll rub you up at home

They're all looking for a home

They're all looking for a home

The first time I seen a bo weevil

He was sitting on the stair

The next time I seen a boweevil

He had his own family there

They're all looking for a home

They're all looking for a home

They're all looking for a home

They're all looking for a home

They're all looking for a home

They're all looking for a home

The farmer he took the boweevil

And put him on the ice

The boweevil said to the farmer

You treat me mighty nice

They're all looking for a home

They're all looking for a home


They're all looking for a home

They're all looking for a home

They're all looking for a home

They're all looking for a home

Alright now this next verse

Is about myself, and when im done I hope

You'll all sing along with me on 'he's looking for a home'

I said if anybody asks you people

Who sang you this song

You tell 'em its Jackie White

He's just been here and gone

They're all looking for a home

They're all looking for a home


They're all looking for a home

They're all looking for a home

They're all looking for a home

They're all looking for a home

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