White Stripes - Youve Got Her In Your Pocket Lyrics
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White Stripes Singer Lyrics
Youve Got Her In Your Pocket Song Lyrics
White Stripes
Song Title:
Youve Got Her In Your Pocket
Print Version
Youve got her in your pocket
And theres no way out now
Put it in the safe and lock it
Cause its home sweet home
Nobody ever told you that it was the wrong way
To trick a woman, make her feel she did it her way
And youll be there if she ever feels blue
And youll be there when she finds someone new
What to do
Well you know
You keep her in your pocket
Where theres no way out now
Put it in the safe and lock it
Cause its home sweet home
The smile on your face made her think she had the right one
Then she thought she was sure by the way you two could have fun
But now she might leave like shes threatened before
Grab hold of her fast before her feet leave the floor
And shes out the door
Cause you want
To keep you in your pocket
Where theres no way out now
Put it in the safe and lock it
Cause its home sweet home
And in your own mind you know youre lucky just to know her
And in the beginning all you wanted was to show her
But now youre scared
You think shes running away
You search in your hand for something clever to say
Dont go away
Cause I want
To keep you in my pocket
Where theres no way out now
Put it in the safe and lock it
Cause its home sweet home
Home sweet home
Youve Got Her In Your Pocket Lyrics
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if you want to see other song lyrics from "Elephant" album, click "
White Stripes Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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