Whitehouse - Wriggle Like A Fucking Eel Lyrics

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Artist: Whitehouse
Song Title: Wriggle Like A Fucking Eel
Visits: 662
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You boy
What's it like to wet your foot in a cold swimming pool?
What does your voice sound like underwater?
At night?
Can you do the chickenskin swim?
Can you do the chlorine gargoyle?
Can you wriggle like an eel?

I don't know why you'd be proud
Of your 33 hours' lack of need
You're another shut-in freak
Living off the burn of boy's own razzled body
Another cop of instant coffee
Another plastic spoon
Another table routine
I don't know why boy's proud
Of a nicotine hack
What's so fucking clever about that?
You little cunt
Another tube
Another tube of shitpaste
Squeezed out
Squeeze out that brown hairgel squirt
Your fave long tube
Recarving boy hollow
Into the splash
And I really don't know
No idea
I have no fucking idea why boy'd be proud
Of another case of flu
Another running nostril
Another running mouth
And don't just sit there chatting
Nodding amicably
Give me those lights
And stop giggling, chickenskin
Face the feast of powder
Cos I know you'll scream and tell the whole fucking world

So what is it like to put your foot into the cold swimming pool?
What does your voice sound like underwater?
Can you do the chickenskin swim?
Can you do the chlorine gargoyle?
Can you wriggle like an eel?
Come on boy
You're home
Hey chickenskin
You're home
Wriggle like a fucking eel
Wriggle like a fucking eel

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    "Can you see?
    Can you see this?
    Burn that halogen
    Hot halogen..."

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