Whitney Houston - Fine Lyrics

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Artist: Whitney Houston
Whitney Houston Author
Song Title: Fine
Visits: 753
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It's Fine
Fine, Fine, Fine, Fine, Fine

It's Alright

Had a dream last night
That the world stopped turning
But your madness, it kept on
Guess I wasn't too bright
And I really wasn't learning
Should have seen it all along

All those sweet, sweet kisses and those sweet red roses
They convinced me that it was you
I made you exclusive
Now it's so conclusive
That you wasn't doing it too

If you'd told me from the start that you're playing around it would have been fine
It would have been fine
Then I would have played too and I guess I would have had a good time
If you'd told me from the start that you're playing around it would have been fine
Then I would have played too and I guess I would have had a good time

Something didn't feel right
And I wish I knew it
I just could not see your games
I got respect for you
And you put me through it
Why would you bring me so much pain

I would stil love for you,'cause I did adore you
While my dogs would chew you out
Tried to be so nice on those lonely nights
But I should have figured you out

If you'd told me from the start that you're playing around it would have been fine
It would have been fine
Then I would have played too and I guess I would have had a good time
I would have had a good time
If you'd told me from the start that you're playing around it would have been fine
It would have been you baby
Then I would have played too and I guess I would have had a good time

Baby you're so fine
You are the one that I saw
You are so fine
You're my...
Oh you're mighty fine
You're fine-fine, fine-fine, fine-fine, fine-fine, fine-fine
You are the one that I love
You're my...
You're fine-fine, fine-fine, fine-fine, fine-fine, fine
You are the one that I love
You're my...
You're fine-fine, fine-fine, fine-fine, fine-fine, fine

If you'd told me from the start that you're playing around it would have been fine
If you told me
Then I would have played too and I guess I would have had a good time
Feel good time, feel good time, feel good time, feel good time
If you'd told me from the start that you're playing around it would have been fine
Had a real good time, boy now
Then I would have played too and I guess I would have had a good time
I guess I would have had a good time
If you'd told me from the start that you're playing around it would have been fine
It would have been fine, boy
Then I would have played too and I guess I would have had a good time
If you'd told me from the start that you're playing around it would have been fine
It's fine, it's fine, it's fine
Then I would have playedtoo and I guess I would have had a good time
Fine, fine, fine, fine, fine
If you'd told me from the start that you're playing around it would have been fine
Then I would have played too and I guess I would have had a good time

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    I finally took a moment and I'm realizing that
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    And it finally hit me all at once..."
  • Take Good Care Of My Heart
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    When you feel so all alone
    Love can strikeour h like lightning
    When you find yeart a home..."

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