Whitney Houston Aretha Franklin - It Isnt It Wasnt It Aint Never Gonna Be Lyrics
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It Isnt It Wasnt It Aint Never Gonna Be Song Lyrics
Whitney Houston Aretha Franklin
Song Title:
It Isnt It Wasnt It Aint Never Gonna Be
Print Version
It isn't, it wasn't, it ain't never gonna beIt isn't, it wasn't, it ain't never gonna be, yeah
Aretha Franklin:
You've been hanging round my boyfriendYou've been sayin that he's sweet, yeahGirl I know that you've been talkingBecause the talk is on the streetYou say that you are gonna steal his heartWell sweety you ain't gonna get that farYou're after somethin that don't belong to youWell girlfriend I've got news for youWhat are you trying to say Miss Thang?
It isn't, it wasn't, it ain't never gonna beIt isn't, it wasn't, it ain't never gonna beHe ain't never, ever, never, never, never gonna be your man
Whitney Houston:
Well I just ain't the kind of womanTo pick the fruit off of your tree, girlAnd you keep saying that he's your manWell that ain't what he said to meHe blow me kissses as he drives awayHe sends me roses in the middle of the day, yeahYou think it's you that he's thinking ofBut I'm the one he really, really lovesSo what am I tring to say? Don't dis me girl!!
It isn't, it wasn't, it ain't never gonna beIt isn't, it wasn't, it ain't never gonna beHe ain't never, ever, never, never, never, never gonna be you'll seeIt isn't, it wasn't, it ain't never gonna beIt isn't, it wasn't, it ain't never gonna beHe ain't never, ever, never, never, never gonna be your man
Aretha speaks: What are you doin? Layin and hangin back?Whitney sings: Don't you know it girl?Aretha speaks: Hmmm...Just as I suspected...Both sing: You been talkin that line, line, line line line and the nah nah nah nah but the man is mine, Hey!!
Aretha: He blows me kisses as he drives awayWhtiney: He sends me flowers in the middle of the day, yeahAretha: You think it's you that he's thinking ofWhitney: I know I'm the one that he really, really, really loves.Aretha speaks: What am I tring to say Miss It?Whitney speaks: What are you tring to say?Aretha speaks: Get real!!
It isn't, it wasn't, it ain't never gonna beIt isn't, it wasn't, it ain't never gonna beHe ain't never, ever, never, never, never, never gonna be you'll seeIt isn't, it wasn't, it ain't never gonna beIt isn't, it wasn't, it ain't never gonna beHe ain't never, ever, never, never, never gonna be your man
A: So now what is this?W: Well you knowA: That my man is supposed to be interested in you?W: What can I sayA: You know, I realize that you're under pressure.W: Yes, I amA: And that you are suffering from delusions, but uhW: WellA: Don't be ridiculousW: I'm notA: Get Real!W: You better get real! You know the deal, he told me he loves me and that I'm just his foreverA: Uh huh... foreverW: ForeverA: Must have played out about 20 years ago. Now check this out. Your man is not my man!W: This is true!A: Uh huhW: This is true.A: Now, every king has his queen, and I love my role being his queen And I hope you like yours too...W: Well, I'm his princessA: ...whatever that is...W: (Bursts into laughter) Wait a minute....waitA: Come on now...W: OK...Well he said that I'm his princess... you might be his queen, but I'm his princessA: Yeah, well, I like being the queen myselfW: Well, you know that's what you are, (bursts into laughter again)A: Shut up....(laughs)...shut up!W: Oh, this is funny
It Isnt It Wasnt It Aint Never Gonna Be Lyrics
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