Whitney Houston feat Ralph Tresvant - Somebody Bigger Than You and I Lyrics
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Whitney Houston feat Ralph Tresvant Singer Lyrics
Somebody Bigger Than You and I Song Lyrics
Whitney Houston feat Ralph Tresvant
Song Title:
Somebody Bigger Than You and I
Print Version
Somebody bigger than the Earth is round
Bigger than the saddest frown
Bigger than the brightest smile
And longer than the longest mile
Somebody bigger than the biggest fight
And darker than the darkest night
Bigger than the biggest gun
Cause he's the only shining sun cmon
Who made the mountains
Who made the trees
Who made the rivers that flow out to the seas
And who hung the moon in the starry, starry, starry sky
Somebody bigger
I know I know he's bigger than you and I
My God is bigger
Somebody bigger
He's bigger, he's bigger than you
He's bigger than you
My God is, my God is oh
Now who made the flowers bloom in the spring, yeah
And who writes the songs for the robins to sing uh
And who sends the rain when the Earth is dry
I know, I know, I know
Somebody bigger yeah
Than you and I
Somebody bigger than you and I
Bigger than you and I
He lights the way when road is alone
Keeps me company with love to guide you
He walks beside you just like he walks with me
When I am weary, and filled with despair
Who gives me courage to go on and on and on from there
And who gives me faith
I will never, never, never, never, never doubt
Somebody bigger yeah
Somebody bigger than me and you
Bigger than you and I
Somebody bigger
My Lord is bigger than you
Bigger than you and I
He lights the way when the road is long
Keeps you company with love to guide you
He walks beside you just like he walks with me
Somebody bigger than you and I
Bigger than the open sky
Bigger than the tallest tree
Bigger than the deepest sea
Somebody deeper than the desert sands
Bigger than the tallest man
And phatter than the phattest phat
Bigger than the Shaq attack
Somebody bigger
I know I know he's bigger than you and I
My God is bigger
Somebody bigger
He's bigger, he's bigger than you
He's bigger than you
My God is, my God is oh
Somebody Bigger Than You and I Lyrics
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