Who - Cache Cache Lyrics
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Cache Cache Song Lyrics
Song Title:
Cache Cache
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Did you ever sleep in a bear pit
With apple cores and mice along
Did you ever lay on ice and grit
Or search for a place where the wind was gone
Did you ever tramp up endless hills
Past cosy homes with secret beds
Did you ever dream of a suicide pill
And wake up cold to the smell of bread
Well I have slept there badly twice
And shared my straw with scratchin mice
Although you'll find some deep brown hair
I'll tell you something for nothing
There ain't no bears in there (cache cache)
Not a single bear in there (cache cache)
Did you ever have to make a draw
For a hard wooden bench or a bed of stone
Did you ever jemmy a stable door
Or scare the horse to escape the snow
Did you ever invade a neat little yard
Wake up the children who hope for ghosts
Did you ever cause their dogs to bark
Their guests to curse their noisy hosts
Don't jump in expectin fun
Don't swagger in there with your elephant gun
Don't enter the cage with wavin chairs
Cos I'll tell you something for nothing
There ain't no bears in there (cache cache)
Not a single bear in there (cache cache)
Did you ever pass the police at work
And hope that they might take you in
Did you ever wonder why music hurts
When someone plays it aloof to sin
Did you ever believe that a smile could cure
A happy face keep you warm at night?
Were you ever fooled by laughters lure
Only to find that they laughed in spite?
[Chorus: (as above)]
Did you ever finally find a place
A soft warm bed in a room of flowers
And when you finally laid down your face
You found you slept for a hundred hours
A hundred hours.
There ain't no bears in there (cache ca
Cache Cache Lyrics
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Other Who song Lyrics
"I used to know everything about you
But today when I tried to point you out to one of my friends
I picked the wrong girl again
Don't see you in the crowd anymore..."
Run Run Run
"Run, run, run
Run, run, run
Run, run, run
Run, run, run..."
Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde
"The first time we met you were a kennel maid,
You gave me a tip I got me forecast paid,
You were holding a greyhound in trap number one,
Your white coat was shining in the afternoon sun...."
I Cant Reach You
"I'm a million ages past you
A million years behind you too
A thousand miles up in the air
A trillion times I've seen you there..."
Our Love Was, Is
"Our love was ...
Our love was famine, frustration
We only acted out an imitation
Of what real love should have been..."
Call Me Lightning
"See that girl who's smiling so brightly,
Well I reckon she's cool and I reckon rightly,
She's good looking and I ain't frightened,
I'm gonna show you why they call me lightning...."
Magic Bus
"See that girl who's smiling so brightly,
Well I reckon she's cool and I reckon rightly,
She's good looking and I ain't frightened,
I'm gonna show you why they call me lightning...."
Someones Coming
"Goodnight baby,
Someone's a-comin', someone's a-comin',
Goodnight baby,
Gotta get a-runnin', gotta get a-runnin'...."
if you want to see other song lyrics from "Face Dances" album, click "
Who Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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