Who - I Can See For Miles Lyrics
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I Can See For Miles Song Lyrics
Song Title:
I Can See For Miles
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I know you've deceived me, now here's a surprise
I know that you have 'cause there's magic in my eyes
I can see for miles and miles and miles and miles and miles
Oh yeah
If you think that I don't know about the little tricks you've played
And never see you when deliberately you put things in my way
Well, here's a poke at you
You're gonna choke on it too
You're gonna lose that smile
Beacuse all the while
I can see for miles and miles
I can see for miles and miles
I can see for miles and miles and miles and miles and miles
Oh yeah
You took advantage of my trust in you when I was so far away
I saw you holding lots of other guys and now you've got the nerve to say
That you still want me
Well, that's as may be
But you gotta stand trial
Because all the while
I can see for miles and miles
I can see for miles and miles
I can see for miles and miles and miles and miles and miles
Oh yeah
I know you've deceived me, now here's a surprise
I know that you have 'cause there's magic in my eyes
I can see for miles and miles and miles and miles and miles
Oh yeah
The Eiffel Tower and the Taj Mahal are mine to see on clear days
You thought that I would need a crystal ball to see right through the haze
Well, here's a poke at you
You're gonna choke on it too
You're gonna lose that smile
Beacuse all the while
I can see for miles and miles
I can see for miles and miles
I can see for miles and miles and miles and miles and miles
and miles and miles and miles and miles
I can see for miles and miles
I can see for miles and miles
I can see for miles and miles
I can see for miles and miles
I Can See For Miles Lyrics
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Other Who song Lyrics
"I used to know everything about you
But today when I tried to point you out to one of my friends
I picked the wrong girl again
Don't see you in the crowd anymore..."
Run Run Run
"Run, run, run
Run, run, run
Run, run, run
Run, run, run..."
Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde
"The first time we met you were a kennel maid,
You gave me a tip I got me forecast paid,
You were holding a greyhound in trap number one,
Your white coat was shining in the afternoon sun...."
I Cant Reach You
"I'm a million ages past you
A million years behind you too
A thousand miles up in the air
A trillion times I've seen you there..."
Our Love Was, Is
"Our love was ...
Our love was famine, frustration
We only acted out an imitation
Of what real love should have been..."
Call Me Lightning
"See that girl who's smiling so brightly,
Well I reckon she's cool and I reckon rightly,
She's good looking and I ain't frightened,
I'm gonna show you why they call me lightning...."
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"See that girl who's smiling so brightly,
Well I reckon she's cool and I reckon rightly,
She's good looking and I ain't frightened,
I'm gonna show you why they call me lightning...."
Someones Coming
"Goodnight baby,
Someone's a-comin', someone's a-comin',
Goodnight baby,
Gotta get a-runnin', gotta get a-runnin'...."
if you want to see other song lyrics from "Who Sell Out" album, click "
Who Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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