Wicked - Wonderful Lyrics

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Artist: Wicked
Song Title: Wonderful
Visits: 616
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I never asked for this
Or planned it in advance
I was merely blown here
By the winds of chance
I never saw myself
As a Solomon or Socrates
I knew who I was:
One of your dime a dozen

Then suddenly I'm here
Respected - worshipped, even
Just because the folks in Oz
Needed someone to believe in
Does it surprise you
I got hooked, and all too soon?
What can I say?
I got carried away
And not just by balloon:

They called me "Wonderful"
So I said "Wonderful" - if you insist
I will be "Wonderful"
And they said "Wonderful"
Believe me, it's hard to resist
'Cause it feels wonderful
They think I'm wonderful
Hey, look who's wonderful -
This corn-fed hick
Who said: "It might be keen
To build a town of green
And a wonderful road of yellow brick!"

(spoken) See - I never had a family of my own. So, I
guess I just - wanted to give the citizens of Oz everything.

ELPHABA(spoken) So you lied to them.

(spoken) Elphaba, where I'm from, we believe all sorts of
things that aren't true. We call it - "history."

(sung) A man's called a traitor - or liberator
A rich man's a thief - or philanthropist
Is one a crusader - or ruthless invader?
It's all in which label
Is able to persist
There are precious few at ease
With moral ambiguities
So we act as though they don't exist

They call me "Wonderful"
So I am wonderful
In fact - it's so much who I am
It's part of my name
And with my help, you can be the same
At long, long last receive your due
Long overdue
Elphaba - The most celebrated
Are the rehabilitated
There'll be such a - whoop-de-doo
A celebration throughout Oz
That's all to do - with you

They'll call you wonderful:

It does sound wonderful:

Trust me - it's fun

When you are wonderful
It would be wonderful?
Wonderful, wonderful

One! Two! And:
(they dance)

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Other Wicked song Lyrics
  • A Sentimental Man
    I am a sentimental man
    Who always longed to be a father
    That's why I do the best I can..."
  • As Long As Youre Mine
    "Kiss me too firecly
    Hold me to tight
    I need help believing
    You're with me tonight..."
  • Defying Gravity
    "Elphaba - why couldn't you have stayed calm for once,
    instead of flying off the handle!
    I hope you're happy
    I hope you're happy now..."
  • Im Not That Girl
    "Hands touch, eyes meet
    Sudden silence, sudden heat
    Hearts leap in a giddy whirl
    He could be that boy..."
  • March Of The Witch Hunters
    Go and hunt her
    And find her
    And kill her..."
  • No Good Deed
    Eleka Nahmen Nahmen
    Ah tum ah tum Eleka Nahmen
    Eleka Nahmen Nahmen..."
  • Something Bad
    A professor from Quox
    No longer permitted to teach
    Who has lost all powers of speech..."
  • The Wizard And I
    Oh, Miss Elphaba...
    Many years I have waited
    For a gift like yours to appear..."

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