Wicked and Kristin Chenoweth - Popular Lyrics

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Artist: Wicked and Kristin Chenoweth
Song Title: Popular
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Elphie, now that we're friends, i've decided to make you my new project!

you really don't have to do that...

i know, that's what makes me so nice!

whenever i see someone less fortunate than i,
and let's face it, who isn't less fortunate than i?
my tender heart tends to start to bleed.
and when someone needs a makeover,
i simply have to take over!
i know i know exactly what they need!

and even in your case,
though it's the toughest case i've yet to face,
don't worry, i'm determined to succeed!
follow my lead,
and yes indeed, you will be...

POPULAR! you're gonna be popular!
i'll teach you the propper ploys,
when you talk to boys,
little ways to flirt and flounce, ooh!
i'll show you what shoes to wear!
how to fix your hair!
everthing that really counts to be...

POPULAR! i'll help you be popular!
you'll hang with the right cohorts,
you'll be good at sports,
know the slang you've got to know.
so let's start,
'cause you've got an awfully long way to go!

don't be offended by my frank analysis,
think of it as personality dialysis,
now that i've chosen to become a
pal, a sister and advisor,
there's nobody wiser!
not when it comes to...

POPULAR! i know about popular.
and with an assist from me,
to be who you'll be,
instead of dreary who you were...uh, are.
there's nothing that can stop you,
from becoming popular... lar...

la la, la la!
we're gonna make you pop-u-lar!

when i see depressing creatures,
with unprepossessing features,
i remind them on their own behalf
to - think - of
celebrated heads of state,
or specially great communicators!
did they have brains or knowledge?
don't make me laugh!

they were POPULAR!
please! it's all about popular.
it's not about aptitude,
it's the way you're viewed,
so it's very shrewd to be,
very very popular like ME!

why, miss Elphaba, look at you. you're beautiful!

i, i have to go...

you're welcome...

and though you protest,
your disinterest,
i know clandestinly,
you're gonna' grin and bear it!
you're new found popularity!

la la, la la!
you'll be popular!
just not quite as popular as ME!

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Other Wicked and Kristin Chenoweth song Lyrics
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    Now at last there's joy throughout the land..."
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    I'm limited
    And just look at you
    You can do all I couldn't do, Glinda..."
  • No One Mourns The Wicked
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    The Witch of the West is dead!
    The wickedest witch there ever was..."
  • One Short Day
    ""Come with me, to the Emerald City"
    One short day
    in the Emerald city
    "Oh, I've always wanted to see the Emerald City"..."
  • Thank Goodness
    Ev'ry day, more wicked!
    Ev'ry day, the terror grows!
    All of Oz is ever on alert!..."
  • What Is This Feeling
    "Dearest, darlingest momsie and popsicle
    My dear father
    There's been some confusion over rooming her at Shiz,
    But of course I'll care for Nessa..."
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