Wicked Angel - Nightmare Lyrics

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Artist: Wicked Angel
Song Title: Nightmare
Visits: 584
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You have pushed me, you
think I'm weak,
Your mouth is open, but
you don't speak.
Expect no mercy, you did
me wrong.
All of my wounds now sing
your song.

And heads will roll,
Blood will flow.
Your life of lies, takes its toll.
Heads will roll, Blood will flow,
and you shall reap just what you sow.
You don't know me, but I know you.
I'm not here to judge you, that time is through.
I am made righteous, by all I do.
Don't have any time for the evil you do.

And heads will roll, Blood will flow.
Your life of lies, takes its toll.
In the dark the thunder
and You shall reap just what you sow.
Listen now with your heart, hear what I say.
I'm a wicked Angel, you're gonna pay.
I hear your words, you are a liar.
How does it feel? To play with fire.

Heads will roll, blood will flow,
your life of lies takes its toll,
in the dark, thunder rolls,
terror grips your very soul,
Heads will roll, blood will flow,
and you shall reap just what you sow!

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Other Wicked Angel song Lyrics
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    "Runnin' down the winding road, my brothers by my side.
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    Fear has made them die inside, they're the bloody fools...."
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    "Well you've heard the songs of heaven.
    And you know the songs of hell.
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    Has you under her spell?..."
  • Goodbye
    "Hiding deep in the shadows, away from the light.
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    Once you had a clear vision, you lived for your dreams.
    Now living in a nightmare, none can hear your screams...."
  • Hail
    "Goodbye! I'm ready for laughter.
    Goodbye! I've had enough of the pain.
    This time, when you turn to leave me,
    you won't hear me callin' out your name...."
  • Hard on You
    "And I saw myself standing
    before the throne,
    and a loud voice cried out
  • Heads Will Roll
    "Look out I'm comin' at ya!
    Comin' hard on you.
    You threw down the gauntlet!
    Now what ya gonna do?!..."
  • Twenty Minutes of Pain
    "Your pulse is racin' and your temperature starts to rise
    Any every ounce of fear, is showin' in your eyes.
    You grab on tight as the coaster starts to roll.
    If you think you're in a dream, you're nothin' but a fool!..."
  • ...Show All

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