Wide Mouth Mason - Smile Lyrics

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Artist: Wide Mouth Mason
Song Title: Smile
Visits: 564
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I'm looking at a long time to get there
I'm looking at a black light
I'm looking at a fall from a building
I'm looking at the firefly

And I think
I can't even think
I can't even speak
I can still smile

Still waiting 'till the freezing is over
Still feel it stick to me inside
Still falling as I'm holding the table
Still waiting on the sunrise

And I think
I can't even think
I can't even speak
But I can still smile
I can still smile

Buried in the sky like a planet in daylight
Not hidden very well
I can only see half of what's going on
But I'm alright, cause I can still smile
I can still smile

And I think
I can't even think
I can't even speak
I can't even think
I can't even think
I can't even speak
I can't even think
I can't even speak
But I can still smile
I can still smile

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Other Wide Mouth Mason song Lyrics
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    Yes I'm free but lost today
    Don't forget to keep my name..."
  • Ease Your Mind
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    You're here
    You're making up all that you fear
    The reason it's dark..."
  • Flat Out In Saskatchewan (2003 Grey Cup Song)
    "Hut one
    Hut two
    Hut three
  • Lagavulin
    "Let me slide in your direction, let me poke you full of holes
    Let me mimic your reflections, let me strike up all your poses
    Let me curse you with my sickness, let me cure you with my love
    Add my randomness and chaos to the things that you're sure of..."
  • Midnight Rain
    "Three men jump off an overpass
    One hits rock and the other glass
    Last one grabs a rail and calls the other two fools
    Tell me now which one are you..."
  • My Old Self
    "When I walk outside in the middle of the rain,
    When I watch the sun come out again,
    When I feel sunlight wash over my face
    Woman it feels like you..."

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